In the immeasurable world of emerging artists, Bunch of Ace stands out not just for their youth but for the depth and authenticity they bring to their music. The 15-year-old twin sisters Alandra and Alessja have been crafting songs since the age of 13, and their recent release, “My Apple Tree,” which came out on August 9, is a tender, alt-folk gem that beautifully captures their connection to nature and a sense of belonging. With Alandra on guitar, bass, and vocals, and Alessja commanding drums, keyboard, and vocals, they deliver sounds that feel wise beyond their years and growing into bold and heartfelt. Let’s sit with them by their apple tree.

From the moment the song begins to blossom, its soft, captivating melodies draw us in, setting the stage for a reflective and tranquil listening experience. The intro is delicate yet commanding, with Alandra’s gentle strumming weaving seamlessly with Alessja’s light percussion. The opening lines, “Waiting every morning for the sun, all night long hoping on that the rain is gone” instantly evoke a deep sense of patience and longing. As a listener, I felt transported to a serene, almost sacred space where time slows down and nature holds sway. This imagery sets the tone for the rest of the song, where Alandra and Alessja’s vocals shine. Their vocals blend in a way that feels like a conversation between two souls who know each other better than anyone else while their voices harmonize in a way only twins can; perfectly balanced, creating a comforting, vulnerable, and ethereal yet earthy sound.

At its heart, “My Apple Tree” is a joyous alt-folk track that balances youthful innocence with mature introspection. It’s a celebration of finding home and happiness in the simple things, with nature as a backdrop for those moments of quiet joy. The lyrics speak to the beauty of simplicity, the idea that peace and freedom can be found in the natural world, symbolized by the apple tree. “My apple tree is blooming nice, and every time, I see it twice,” these lines emphasize a connection to something enduring and pure. Here, the apple tree is more than a tree; it’s a metaphor for home, grounding, and the comfort of returning to a place or feeling that is steady, regardless of where life takes you.



Now, the production of “My Apple Tree” is equally noteworthy. Though recorded in the twins’ basement, the song has been expertly mixed in Riga and mastered by Svante Forsbäck from Chartmakers in Finland, giving it a polished yet organic feel. The rawness of their homegrown recording adds an authenticity often missing from more overproduced tracks, while the professional mastering ensures that every element; guitar strum, cymbal hit, and vocal harmony, shines through with clarity.

In “Apple Tree,” Bunch of Ace invites us into their world, where nature and home intertwine in a beautiful dance of sound and sentiment. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most profound connections are found in the simplest of places, and they capture this truth with the song’s grace and authenticity. I was both charmed and moved by their sincerity. There was a timeless quality to “My Apple Tree,” one that felt like the song could belong to any era. Bunch of Ace may be young, but with songs like this, they will rapidly establish themselves as voices to watch, blending thoughtful songwriting with long-lasting melodies.

Listen to “My Apple Tree” on Spotify

You can follow Bunch of Ace here for more information.



