Al Shalliker, a seasoned alt-folk artist from Plymouth, makes an electrifying appearance on our blog with his new single “Time Out of Mind,” a teaser from his upcoming second solo album “The Diamond Hill.” As the former lead songwriter for Watershed, a band that melded reggae, soul, and folk-rock across two decades, Shalliker’s journey into solo artistry represents the maturation of a distinctive sound steeped in decades of musical diversity. His latest work, however, comes with a witty, almost surreal introspection. “Time Out of Mind” was released on September 11, and it plays for a total length of 2 minutes 53 seconds.

Opening with infectious harmonica riffs courtesy of Alex McGinnes, accompanied by Tony Davies’ steady bass and Al’s rhythmic acoustic guitar, “Time Out of Mind” draws us into its lively yet reflective atmosphere. The harmonic and instrumental chemistry feels warm, like old friends reuniting, giving the track a sense of camaraderie and timelessness. The bassline is subtle but undeniably effective, providing the perfect grounding to Shalliker’s storytelling.

Shalliker’s vocals are organic and expressive, capturing the chaotic energy of a man reflecting on 15 years of indulgence. His voice rises with a nostalgic and regretful edge as he sings the opening lines, “I’ve got moonbeams coming out my head, fifteen years and wishing I’d been somewhere else instead.” These lyrics set the tone for the song, a surreal rock and roll confessional about the allure and pitfalls of a hedonistic lifestyle. The repetition of these sentiments underscores the regret and introspection driving the narrative.

On the other hand, the performance is tongue-in-cheek and poignant, combining humor with a deeper, existential questioning. The lines “Why have I been wasted all this time my love, why have I been wasted all this time” serve as a bittersweet refrain, pulling audiences into Shalliker’s contemplative world. His guitar work is frenetic and pulsing, mirroring the restless spirit of the lyrics, while McGinnes’ harmonica adds a touch of bluesy soul that feels like a nod to the folk-rock traditions Shalliker has always embraced.

The production, while minimalist, showcases the talents of each musician without overpowering the song’s natural rhythm. The balance between the acoustic guitar, bass, and harmonica is impeccable, allowing the melody to breathe while keeping the momentum high.

In “Time Out of Mind”, Al Shalliker delivers a clever yet heartfelt tale of excess, nostalgia, and self-reflection. As the first single from “The Diamond Hill” album, this track not only welcomes us into Shalliker’s musical evolution but also establishes his place as a seasoned artist with something meaningful and entertaining, to say. This is a track where humor, rock grit, and soulful reflection intersect, making for a compelling listen. Let’s welcome AI Shalliker to the stage, stage, he’s in for a ride!

Listen to “Time Out of Mind” on Spotify

Follow AI Shalliker here for more information.





