Calling on all fans of the ethereal and progressive! Gather around, because we’re about to embark on a sonic journey with a band that weaves intricate tapestries of sound. Mountains of Jura is made up of Daniel Cleland (guitars and vocals) and Jason Damiano (bass), with veteran musician and producer Greg Paxton (drums). Hailing from the shores of Los Angeles, this collaborative project transcends the Californian sunshine, crafting music that shimmers with a cool, mysterious beauty. Their latest self-titled album, affectionately known as “The Lynx Album,” is a captivating exploration of psychedelic shoegaze with a healthy dose of progressive rock thrown in for good measure. Let’s delve deeper and unearth the hidden gems within each track.

The album opens with “Old Leon,” its title hinting at a tale yet to be unraveled. The vocals, delivered with a captivating blend of strength and vulnerability, draw us in, while the instrumentation paints a hazy, dreamlike backdrop. As the song progresses, the drums, expertly handled by veteran musician Greg Paxton, create a hypnotic pulse that propels us forward.

The Cave” takes a brighter and darker turn, both lyrically and sonically. The bass, courtesy of Jason Damiano, throbs with sinister energy, while the guitars intertwine, creating a sense of confinement and unease. The vocals here are awesome, adding depth to the narrative.

I Am Not A Program Parts 5 & 6” throws you for a loop with its dynamic shifts and mesmerizing melodies. This song is a prime example of the band’s ability to merge ethereal ambiance with post-rock intensity. Here, Cleland’s delivery becomes haunting, mirroring the existential themes that linger within the cryptic title.

Reverse Creek” offers a moment of reflection with its serene, flowing melodies. The track is a beautiful juxtaposition of calmness and underlying tension, reminiscent of a quiet stream with a powerful current beneath. Paxton’s nuanced drumming and Cleland’s layered guitar work create a rich, immersive soundscape.

Lost Days,” living up to its title, captures the essence of longing and nostalgia, with melancholic lyrics delivered with heartfelt emotion by Cleland. The instrumentation is both sparse and lush, allowing each note to resonate deeply. The production shines here, focusing on the intricate interplay between the instruments and the vocals. As I listened, I perfectly captured the bittersweet feeling of lost time.

As the album’s shortest track, “Ocelot Path” is a mesmerizing journey through shifting time signatures and textures. This track’s progressive structure keeps us engaged, with unexpected twists and turns that showcase the band’s creativity and technical prowess. The instrumentation is nice, and it has an ethereal quality. The hypnotic guitar lines weave a spellbinding soundscape, while the drums provide a steady, driving beat.

Lastly, the album closes with “Oracle,” the longest track. This is a powerful and evocative piece that leaves us with reflective bliss. The expansive soundscapes and evocative lyrics create a fitting conclusion to this remarkable journey. Truth be told, the haunting melodies and powerful rhythms culminate in a breathtaking crescendo, leaving me in awe of the band’s artistic vision.

Mountains of Jura’s “The Lynx Album” is a testament to the power of collaboration. Each song is meticulously crafted, with every element—vocals, instrumentation, and production—working together to create a truly immersive experience. This is not a mere rehash of shoegaze classics; Mountains of Jura injects fresh energy into the genre, carving its distinct sonic niche. They have outdone themselves, with the album speaking volumes and inviting us on a journey through sound and emotion that is both captivating and unforgettable. It is an absolute delight to introduce you to the enchanting world of the Mountains of Jura.

Listen to the “Mountains of Jura” album on Spotify or Bandcamp and let us know your thoughts.

You can follow the Mountains of Jura here for more information.





PS: The artist was discovered on MusoSoup, and a contribution was made to publish this.
