Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends have once again captured the delicate balance between the ethereal and the haunting with their track “Dream.” This Swedish indie project is known for weaving intricate stories through their music, and “Dream” is no exception. Released in May 2021 as part of their double album, this song offers a serene yet somber experience that hits deep. It’s a track that welcomes listeners with a gentle embrace, only to reveal a profound and dark narrative beneath its surface.

The song begins with a calm and delicate instrumentation that transports us to a place of quiet reflection. A tender waltz rhythm, laced with hints of jazz, forms the backbone of this piece, evoking a sense of nostalgia and melancholy. The soft strumming of an acoustic guitar, accompanied by subtle piano chords, sets the stage for the story to unfold. There’s an air of simplicity in the arrangement, yet it carries an emotional depth that resonates deeply.

Arne Floryd’s vocals are gentle, almost whisper-like, as they glide over the instrumentation with a smooth and tender delivery. His performance is soul-stirring, filled with an aching vulnerability that perfectly complements the song’s theme. The lyrics, “A ray of light / ‘Cross your boyhood bed / Warm and bright / Reaching for your arms and head,” open the track with innocence and comfort, yet underline a tension that hints at something darker to come.

As it progresses, the lyrics reveal a stark contrast between the idyllic imagery and the harsh reality of life. Lines like “When death and disaster strike, there is no way back to the innocence of childhood dreams” serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of our dreams and the inevitability of loss. The chorus, with its haunting repetition of “When you ‘wake / How empty it seems / And you shake / The dust of your dreams,” captures the disappointments that often tag along the harsh truths of adulthood.

Moving on to the production, “Dream” is masterfully executed, with each instrument carefully placed to enhance the overall mood of the song. The folk-inspired melodies are tinged with jazz elements, creating a unique and captivating soundscape that draws us in. That is my favorite about this track, it takes such expertise to blend jazzy and folky elements in a song. Also, the instrumentation is subtle yet powerful, allowing the lyrics and vocals to take center stage while providing a rich and immersive backdrop.

With this “Dream,” Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends have crafted a beautiful and heartbreaking song. It is a reminder of the fleeting nature of innocence and the often painful transition from childhood to adulthood. It’s a track that invites us to reflect on our dreams and the harsh realities that sometimes shatter them. Welcome back Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends, and thank you for gifting us with such a deep and evocative piece of music. It’s a song that will stay with us long after we’ve shaken the dust of our dreams.

Listen to “Dream” by Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends on Spotify.

You can follow Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends here for more information.




PS: The artist was discovered on MusoSoup, and a contribution was made to publish this.
