Step into the clandestine world of Backroom Gossip, where Glasgow’s finest, Geoff Angus and Stefan Celosia, are the masterminds behind a musical alchemy that’s anything but ordinary. Forged through a series of unexpected mishaps, this duo has dedicated themselves to unearthing the secrets of sound, crafting intricate and irresistibly accessible compositions.

Their single, “Why Should I,” is a testament to their unique artistry. The track effortlessly blends a laid-back groove with a richness that commands attention. From the first note, the listener is greeted with a smooth and soulful vocal delivery that exudes charm and emotional depth. The vocals, imbued with genuine feeling, create an intimate connection that resonates through the chorus, where the emotion truly shines.

Instrumentation in “Why Should I” is subtle yet deliberate. The arrangement allows the vocals to take center stage, with each note serving a purpose in the song’s narrative. The minimalistic approach to instrumentation provides a spacious backdrop that highlights the song’s soulful essence. The rhythmic elements, expertly handled by Stefan, create a foundation that is both grounding and engaging

The track’s production is beautifully done, but there’s room to explore greater depths. Incorporating more dynamic variations could elevate the emotional highs and introduce compelling shifts in momentum. By experimenting with these dynamics, Backroom Gossip could further enrich the listening experience, enhancing the song’s poignant delivery.

In “Why Should I,” Backroom Gossip reveals its ability to blend emotion and craftsmanship seamlessly. With its fingers firmly on the pulse of soulful music, this track stands as a testament to its creative prowess and invites listeners to delve deeper into the enchanting world it has so masterfully created.

Listen to “Why Should I?” on Spotify