In a world where perfection is often sought but rarely attained, Carpe Diem, a wonderful two-piece band from Hong Kong—invites us to find beauty in the imperfect. Comprising the delicate and evocative vocals of Ada and the masterful guitar work of Keith, Carpe Diem crafts musical narratives that stay in the soul long after the last note fades. Their latest single, “Ne plus Ultra,” is a testament to their storytelling prowess, blending poetic lyrics with cinematic themes that encourage deep reflection on the meaning of life.

At a very serene pace with an almost heavenly combination of soft acoustic riffs and hypnotic melodies, “Ne plus Ultra” draws us in from the opening. This tender introduction sets the stage for a song that paints a vivid picture of melancholy and contemplation with lines like, “The mournful sound of a train whistle, passing through the cracks in the window.” Ada’s vocals, then glide in like a whisper, carrying the weight of profound introspection. It’s a moment where time seems to stand still, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the emotion of the scene. With her smooth and ethereal voice, she delivers the lines with a soulful grace that loiters in the air, making the words resonate. As the song unfolds, her performance remains soul-stirring with her vocals effortlessly weaving through the narrative and guiding us through the complexities of human existence.

Thematically, “Ne plus Ultra” explores the elusive nature of perfection and the beauty found within life’s imperfections. The phrase itself, meaning “perfect point” in Latin, sets up a poignant contrast against the song’s message. Life, as the band so eloquently expresses, is far from ideal. We are all “alchemists seeking an alkahest,” searching for something that may not even exist. Yet, it is through this journey—marked by flaws and failures—that we uncover the true meaning of life. As Ada sings, “Lost stars scattered in the galaxy, remaining the darkness and vanity,” she captures the eternal struggle between fantasy and reality, and the dilemma of their coexistence. The repetition of “Ne plus ultra” throughout the song serves as a mantra and a reminder that perfection is an illusion, and that true beauty lies in embracing the imperfect nature of our lives.

The production of “Ne plus Ultra” is a masterclass in acuteness and depth. Keith’s expertise on the guitar shines through with gentle, intricate riffs that enhance the song’s mood. Not only did the guitar serve as a background instrumentation, but it also offered meaning to the lyrics. I think if the guitar could speak, the lyrics would sound so. Keith played with his entire soul and that was lovely. The addition of Bryan Kam on bass, Dennis Chan on percussion, and Dominic Kwok on keyboard too, created a lush, layered, and soothing soundscape.

While “Ne plus Ultra” is just a song, it also invites us to reflect, embrace, and find beauty in imperfections that make us human. Through their music, Keith and Ada (Carpe Diem) have crafted a timeless piece that hits deeply with those of us grappling with the complexities of existence. In all, this is a journey worth taking, it will leave us with a renewed appreciation for the perfectly imperfect nature of life.

Listen to “Ne plus Ultra” by Carpe Diem on Spotify or SoundCloud

Follow Carpe Diem here for more information.






PS: The artist was discovered on MusoSoup, and a contribution was made to publish this.
