Jay Luke’s reigning single “Me and My Demons” is taken from his upcoming fourth solo album “Me And My Demons.” Hailing from the Northeastern USA, Jay Luke is a rock ‘n roll artist who has captured the spirit of real passion and relevant themes in his songs. Released on June 23rd, the lyrics of “Me and My Demons” go into the depths of inner anguish, sleepless nights, and the struggle to confront one’s regrets and worries. The song depicts someone struggling with their thoughts and emotions, locked in a cycle of somnolence and insecurity. The heaviness of the lyrics is brilliantly complemented by a rock-infused tune that connects with the listener’s personal experiences. Jay Luke’s ability to capture these universal feelings makes “Me and My Demons” a song that many people can relate to. Below is how my talk with Jay Luke on the other side of the planet went. Please continue reading.

SONGWEB: Can you tell us a little bit about the inspiration behind your latest project?

JAY LUKE: Inspiration is unique to artists and musicians. You can never quite tell when it is going to strike you. With this upcoming album, I was inspired by my love of vintage horror and vaudeville-era advertising. There was a magician named Howard Thurston, or “Thurston the Great,” who famously used images for his stage performances that showed devils whispering into his ear, which I was always fascinated by as far as the art and concept. Not long after, I watched a film featuring my favorite actor, Vincent Price, called “The Story of Mankind,” where there was a great scene where he turns to his left and has a devil on his shoulder, and then turns to the right, where instead of an angel, he also finds a devil. Those two things spawned the title track and theme of the album.

SONGWEB: How do you approach the creative process when creating new works of art?

JAY LUKE: I look at each album as a diary of sorts that tells a story. And each song is a chapter in that story. When creating, I try not to listen to much music or anything to deter my ideas. I don’t have a solid formula for the writing; sometimes it is the lyrics first, sometimes the music, and sometimes both happen at once. That’s the beauty of it; it can happen differently each time. I will say that when inspiration strikes, you have to jump on it as fast as you can. In my case, if an idea or lyric comes into my head, I will often pull over if I am driving to write it down or do whatever I have to do not to lose it. Once it goes, it may not come back for a long time, if ever at all.

SONGWEB: Can you share with us a particularly memorable moment during the making of this project?

JAY LUKE: I think two moments stand out in the making of this album. The title track’s guitar solo is, to me, one of Michael “Duds” McDonald’s shining moments; it is just explosive. And honestly, all of his playing on this album is top-notch. He is a beast on guitar, and I am so grateful for everything he does.
The second thing that stood out is that my 5-year-old niece Dahlia has a spoken word part on a song called “Malice in Wonderland,” which I think is very special. I love incorporating meaningful things, and I love her wild spirit. So it meant a lot to have her on this album.

SONGWEB: What message or emotion do you hope to convey through your art?

JAY LUKE: I think my music has a message that may be personal to me but is general enough for others to relate to. That is what I strive for to get out real feelings and emotions in what I experience or go through and to write it in a way that people all over the planet can also say, “I feel this way too sometimes” or “I’m not alone.”
It is why things seem to be increasingly building up, with more people grabbing the vibe. It is like we are all on a journey together.

SONGWEB: Can you describe how you incorporate your personal experiences into your work?

JAY LUKE: For me, if the things I am writing aren’t real or honest, I can’t imagine even writing them. I wouldn’t know what else to write about besides what I know. I envy writers who go off somewhere else and can write fantasy stories they make up. For me, it has to be real. I think, as a fan of music, you can spot a fake a million miles away. Writing about things you know they aren’t doing, or worse yet, having someone else write for them. Everything I do has my fingerprints, blood, sweat, and tears on it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

SONGWEB: How does your latest project differ from previous works you’ve created?

JAY LUKE: I think this project is just another step in the evolution of my writing as well as in my collaboration with Michael “Duds” McDonald and our producers Joe Loftus and Jay Preston. The more we all work together, the better things sound. And I have no problem saying this album is the best thing we have done so far.

SONGWEB: Lastly, what are your plans for your artistic journey, and where do you hope to take your work in the future?

JAY LUKE: With two singles out and their success from this upcoming album, I hope it continues climbing and building steam as the promotion continues and everything moves forward to release day. The press we are getting in so many countries, as well as interviews and playlist additions, is mind-blowing. I am continuously blown away that something you put out in the world purely from your heart can reach a million people in a million different ways in a million different places. I may not be a millionaire, but just knowing people relate to the songs we make makes me feel like the most spiritually wealthy person alive.

Having had the opportunity to interview Jay Luke, it is evident that he is an artist who pours his heart and soul into his songs. His sincere desire to connect with listeners who share these comparable difficulties adds to the strength of his work. “Me and My Demons” is more what we call it. To me, it’s a way for listeners to take comfort in knowing they’re not alone on their path. So, it’s a tribute to the power of music in unifying us through our common experiences, as it continues to strike chords with individuals who are fighting their demons.

Listen to “Me And My Demons” by Jay Luke on Spotify and let us know your thoughts.

You can follow Jay Luke here for more information.



