Moon and Aries are back, and this time they’re inviting us to hit pause. This Canadian-German duo, with Jordana Moon’s ethereal vocals and Tom Aries’ instrumental mastery, has become a fixture on our music map, constantly pushing boundaries and defying limitations. Their recent offering, “Slow Motion,” released on May 17, is a departure from their usual sound, taking us on a chilled, reggae-infused journey of self-discovery. It’s a three-minute, 39-second track that invites us to slow down, savor, and discover a different kind of victory.

“Slow Motion” opens with a sweetness that instantly sets the tone for the entire song. Gentle reggae-infused chords by Tom Aries ripple out, creating a bed of warm island breeze before Jordana Moon’s vocals float in, light and airy. Her voice is a balm, a soothing presence that washes over us like waves lapping at the shore. There’s a sense of healing in her delivery, an invitation to slow down, to breathe, and to truly listen – to the music, to her words, and most importantly, to ourselves. Her performance here isn’t about power or belting high notes; it’s about intimacy and guiding us on a journey of self-discovery.

Lyrically, “Slow Motion” is a powerful ode to self-discovery and embracing our pace. The opening lines, “Taking on so much cause, I got sold on a solid sky,” perfectly capture the feeling of being overwhelmed by societal pressures. But as the song progresses, Jordana offers a solution: slowing down. “Finding my new rhythm is like honey,” she sings, highlighting the sweetness of prioritizing self-care and savoring each moment. This is a message that resonated deeply and called me to break free from the relentless pursuit of “more” and embrace the beauty of my journey.

The production here is a masterpiece of subtle touches. A chilled ambient groove forms the foundation, while Tom Aries’s piano lays down a reggae rhythm that gives the song its infectious sway. A groovy bass line winds its way through the track, adding a touch of depth without overwhelming the tranquility. It’s a downtempo electronic mix, but with an undeniable Caribbean flair, perfectly complementing the message of slowing down.

With this song, Moon and Aries have delivered what’s more than music; it’s an experience. It’s a gentle nudge to step off the treadmill of life, to find our rhythm, and to appreciate the beauty of the present moment. If you’re looking for a song to unwind with, to find solace in, then look no further. Also, if you haven’t already fallen under the spell of Moon and Aries, “Slow Motion” is the perfect introduction. It’s a song that will leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to face the world at a slower, more mindful pace.

Listen to “Slow Motion” by Moon and Aries on Spotify or SoundCloud and let us know your thoughts.

You can follow Moon and Aries here for more information.






PS: The artist was discovered on MusoSoup, and a contribution was made to publish this.
