Prepare to descend into the shadowy realms of death metal’s deepest corners as Overthrust, the fearsome 4 piece band hailing from Ghanzi, Botswana, unleashes their latest offering, “Infected By Myth.” Formed in 2008, this band has been a formidable force in the old-school death metal scene, crafting a sound that reverberates with themes of death, purgatory, and existential despair. With their new album, recorded across continents at Milestone Studios in Cape Town and Farmadelica Sound in Pine Island, Overthrust not only preserves the ferocity of classic death metal but also propels it into the present with grim, unyielding intensity. Buckle up, as we embark on a journey through the bleak, brutal landscapes of “Infected By Myth.”

The album opens with a spine-chilling riff that sets the tone for the chaos to come. “Fallen Witches” kicks off with a brooding, distorted guitar intro that quickly transitions into a relentless blast beat courtesy of Beast. Vulture’s guttural growls pierce through the dense mix, narrating tales of witchcraft and the damned with a chilling authenticity. This track’s raw production enhances its grim atmosphere, while Spencer’s lead guitar offers a brief, yet savage, melodic respite.

Infected” dives straight into brutality with an unrelenting tempo. The song’s aggressive riffs and relentless drumming create a sense of imminent dread. Vulture’s vocal performance is particularly noteworthy here; his harsh, guttural style is perfectly matched to the song’s theme of corruption and decay. The production captures the essence of old-school death metal, with every drum hit and guitar chord ringing with a visceral clarity that is both raw and polished.

Slaves of Myth” continues the assault with a menacing groove and complex time signatures that showcase Zehst’s intricate rhythm guitar work. The track delves into themes of servitude and deception, with Vulture’s delivery intensifying the narrative’s bleakness. The song’s production is slightly more polished, allowing the layered instrumentation to shine through, while the dark, atmospheric elements enhance the song’s morbid aura.

With “Foetus Initiation,” Overthrust explores the grotesque with a song that combines chilling melodic elements with pure, unadulterated aggression. The track’s intro features a haunting, slow build-up before erupting into a fast-paced barrage of riffs and blast beats. Spencer’s solo here is a standout, delivering a technically impressive performance that complements the song’s horrifying themes of initiation and transformation.

The eponymous track, “Demon Grave,” is a relentless onslaught of death metal fury. The song features an unyielding rhythm section, with Beast’s drumming driving the track forward with brutal precision. Vulture’s vocal delivery is particularly intense, capturing the essence of demonic possession and despair. The track’s production balances the raw energy of the performance with a polished edge that ensures each element of the song is distinct and powerful.

Overthrust Deathmental” is a blistering anthem that exemplifies the band’s commitment to Death Metal’s core principles. The track’s intricate guitar work and thunderous drumming create an immersive, chaotic experience. Vulture’s vocal performance is both commanding and feral, perfectly aligning with the song’s themes of death and destruction. The production here is crisp, allowing the complexity of the song’s arrangement to come through clearly.

Poltergeist of Torment” introduces an eerie atmosphere with its haunting intro before launching into a full-blown metal assault. The song explores themes of torment and haunting, with Vulture’s guttural growls conveying a sense of pervasive dread. The track’s production is rich with atmospheric effects, enhancing the song’s spectral quality while maintaining the band’s signature brutal sound.

The closing track, “Silenced Voice of Holy,” is a fitting end to this brutal journey. The song features a slower tempo and more melodic elements, creating a contrast to the previous tracks while still maintaining the album’s dark themes. The interplay between Spencer’s lead guitar and Zehst’s rhythm guitar creates a haunting, mournful melody that complements Vulture’s powerful, resonant vocals. The production on this track is particularly polished, offering a clear, immersive listening experience that caps off the album with a sense of finality.

“Infected by Myth” is a masterclass in death metal, combining brutal aggression with technical prowess to deliver an album that is both nostalgic and fresh. Overthrust’s ability to balance raw intensity with thoughtful production makes this album a standout in the genre. Whether you’re a die-hard death metal aficionado or new to the scene, “Infected by Myth” is an essential listen that promises to leave a lasting impression.

Listen to “Infected By Myth” on Spotify

Follow Overthrust here for more information.



