Super Saiyan Jay and King Dev are no strangers to the spotlight here, but this time they’ve returned with a project that takes us on a high-energy ride down the East Coast, blending Jersey Club’s signature bounce with their distinct Florida flair. These two artists have never been shy about fusing genres and emotions, and in their recent release, “Jersey Girls,” they’ve pulled out all the stops to create a carefree and introspective EP, radiating feel-good vibes while keeping an emotional core. As two Florida-based artists, Super Saiyan Jay and King Dev didn’t just experiment with the Jersey Club sound—they owned it. The five-track EP is an unapologetic ode to spontaneity, summer nights, and the intricate layers of love and lust. Each song serves as a chapter in a playful and reflective story. Let’s dive into the sonic magic behind these tracks.

The EP opens with a seductive swagger, and “Dirty Diana” instantly sets the tone. It’s a track that feels like stepping into a dimly lit club, where mystery hangs in the air. The beat is infectious, driven by those signature Jersey Club rapid-fire drum kicks and smooth synths. Jay and Dev’s vocals are inviting and dangerous, mirroring the allure of Diana, the girl you know isn’t good for you—but you just can’t stay away. The vocal delivery here is charismatic and almost teasing, complementing the production’s playful energy. There’s a subtle tension in their performance, perfectly embodying the risky yet irresistible attraction Diana represents. The dynamic between the smooth verses and a catchier, punchy chorus makes this song a strong opener.

Sliding into track two, the energy shifts into something more intimate but still keeps its pulse on the dancefloor. “Back To The Crib” feels like the natural next step in the narrative—what happens when that connection with Diana (or whoever your muse is) deepens? The production stays rooted in the Jersey Club style, with its off-beat drum patterns and bass-heavy drops, but it’s the added warmth in the synths that sets this track apart. Vocally, the delivery becomes more mellow, and almost inviting, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. You can hear the ease in their flow as they revel in the victory of finally getting that moment alone. It’s a track for the late hours, filled with a relaxed confidence that complements the lighthearted feel of the EP.

The midway point of the EP brings an introspective turn with “Put Love First.” Here, Jay and Dev demonstrate their lyrical versatility. While the previous tracks were more about fleeting moments of fun, “Put Love First” focuses on something deeper: the battle to remain open to love despite past heartbreaks. It’s a hip-hop ballad with heart, and the production is more subdued, relying on layered synths and a subtle bassline to carry the reflective mood. The vocals are honest and raw—less about performance, and more about the message. Their delivery softens here, creating a space for us to pause and reflect on our journeys. The self-reflection and optimism in the lyrics provide a necessary emotional depth, rounding out the EP’s thematic arc.

Now we’re back in celebratory mode. The title track, “Jersey Girl” is the anthem for appreciation, the track where Jay and Dev shower their love interests with praise. There’s a nostalgic warmth to this one, making it feel like a sun-drenched afternoon spent with someone who simply gets you. The production bursts with a smooth, gentle rhythm, giving the track a light, flirtatious vibe. Vocally, the duo shifts between smooth and playful deliveries, with each verse elevating the carefree essence of the track. It’s almost as if they’re dancing through their words, showing that appreciation isn’t always heavy—it can be as simple as enjoying someone’s presence. For me, this track is a standout because of its infectious energy and the way it effortlessly flows from start to finish.

And then, just like that, we’re at the end. “Beautiful Soul” serves as the EP’s emotional climax. It’s not just about physical attraction anymore; it’s about something deeper, more lasting. The production here is notably more subdued, letting the vocals shine. The beat slows down, allowing space for Jay and Dev to truly express the meaning behind the words. Their voices intertwine, reflecting a sense of connection and vulnerability. This track feels like a resolution—a realization that beauty, in all its forms, is more than skin deep. It’s a love letter not just to a person, but to the deeper qualities that bind people together. Vocally, Super and Dev strike a balance between sincerity and passion, letting us feel the weight of their message.

Overall, “Jersey Girls” is a masterful balance of carefree vibes and thoughtful reflection. Super Saiyan Jay and King Dev prove that they are more than capable of adding their unique twist to an established sound. They’ve taken the Jersey Club blueprint, infused it with their Floridian swagger, and created something that feels fresh and intimate. Each track is carefully crafted, from the playful production to the emotional delivery, making this EP a perfect soundtrack for both a summer night out and a moment of reflection on the drive home. In this release, these familiar voices bring a refreshing new flavor, proving that they are artists capable of redefining boundaries and making feel-good music with real substance.

Listen to the “Jersey Girls” EP on Spotify or SoundCloud.

You can follow Super Saiyan Jay here for more information




