If you haven’t yet heard of The Flying Beets, it’s time to tune in. This Fort Worth-based indie rock trio, just a year into their journey, has unleashed their fourth single, “The Stupid Way You Breathe,” and it’s a bold, electric testament to their burgeoning talent. With Nathan Waller at the helm, an enigmatic force known for his striking vocal range and commanding stage presence, The Flying Beets are here to make a lasting impression. “The Stupid Way You Breathe” was released on July 19. Let me tell you more. Keep reading!

From the moment the song starts, it grabs our attention with a spikey, distorted guitar riff that feels like a sonic punch setting a raw, edgy tone that perfectly complements the track’s emotional intensity. This is where Nathan Waller’s vocals enter, cutting through the haze of distortion with a powerful and vulnerable clarity. He comes through with an unforgettable line as he sings, “You think it’s funny all the time / I think it’s funny when you whine.” Waller’s delivery of these lines brimmed with exasperation and underscored the song’s core sentiment of rejecting insincerity and unwanted presence.

Waller’s vocal performance throughout the track is amazing. His range is on full display, moving seamlessly from gritty, almost snarling tones to higher, more melodic passages. His delivery is raw and unfiltered, adding authenticity to the song’s emotional landscape. Waller pours his heart into every note, making us feel every ounce of the frustration and resignation embedded in the lyrics.

Lyrically, “The Stupid Way You Breathe,” continues to explore themes of detachment and irritation, with lines like “I hate the stupid way you breathe” encapsulating a visceral reaction to a relationship that feels both burdensome and unwanted. The repetition of the word “breathe” throughout the chorus emphasizes frustration, making it a catchy yet poignant hook.

Production-wise, “The Stupid Way You Breathe” is crisp and dynamic. It perfectly captures the energy of The Flying Beets’ live performances. The mix balances Waller’s evocative vocals with the instrumentation, creating a raw and polished sound. Also, DC’s bass lines provide a throbbing backbone to the track, driving it forward with a relentless rhythm. Meanwhile, Kenn Scott’s drumming is precise and adds a layer of intensity that complements the song’s emotional weight.

In summary, “The Stupid Way You Breathe” by The Flying Beets is a compelling blend of raw emotional expression and polished indie rock craftsmanship. With powerful vocals, a driving rhythm section, and expertly crafted production, this track marks a significant step forward for the band. It’s a testament to their potential and a promising glimpse into the future of this dynamic trio. So, buckle up and prepare with me to be swept away by this electrifying sound.

Listen to “The Stupid Way You Breathe” by The Flying Beets on Spotify

Follow the Flying Beets here for more information.






PS: The artist was discovered on MusoSoup, and a contribution was made to publish this.
