In the dynamic world of synth rock, few bands captivate the senses as powerfully as Under Delusion. Their latest single, “Music Is My Drug,” released on July 26, not only reinforces their reputation as masters of emotional storytelling but also cements their status as a global force in the music scene. With past hits like “Runaway,” “Over The Rainbow,” “Dive,” and “Burning Under the Water,” this band has already proven they can deliver soundscapes that linger in the mind. With over 10 million streams worldwide and a fan base spanning 130 countries, they have taken their artistry to the next level with this intoxicating anthem. Stay with me as I take this drug to feel better.

Interestingly, “Music Is My Drug” opens with an infectious pulse of synthetic grooves, immediately drawing us into its vibrant and fast-paced world. It is hypnotic and energizing, setting the stage for a journey that feels as much reflective as it does exhilarating. And then, the opening lines, “Life is sweet and sour, and I’m so seducible to almost every sin,” establish the song’s tone of raw honesty. These lyrics are a confession, a look into the loud emotions that drive the track’s narrative. The low timbre of the songstress weaves seamlessly through the instrumentation, her voice both commanding and vulnerable, resonating with a depth that invites us to lose ourselves in the music, Her delivery is magnetic, and her voice drips with sincerity and a touch of defiance as she delves into themes of passion, regret, and redemption.

Moving on, the chorus: “Music is my drug, I don’t want to stop before I tell my story,” is a powerful declaration. Here, the band lays bare the addictive nature of their art—how music can be both a cure and a source of immense pain. The driving beat and soaring guitars build a sense of urgency as if making music is a lifeline for the artist. The refrain, “I’m not sorry,” echoes throughout the song, a mantra of unapologetic self-expression that speaks to the core of Under Delusion’s ethos. Under Delusion’s ability to connect with us is evident. The lyrics reflect a deep yearning for connection. The line, “I get addicted to your letters, to the secrets that you dare to share” is a moment of vulnerability that humanizes the song. It transforms it from a mere track into a dialogue between us and them.

Now, the production of the song is another beautiful thing. It pulses with energy, and every beat and note is carefully crafted to create an immersive experience. The synths are lush and expansive, the guitars bold and powerful, and the overall mix is perfectly polished. It’s modern, timeless, and a testament to Under Delusion’s ability to blend genres while maintaining a distinct and unmistakable identity.

In conclusion, “Music Is My Drug” is more than a mere song,—it’s a statement and the power of music and its role in our lives. Under Delusion has delivered yet another track bound to resonate with fans old and new, solidifying their place as one of the most exciting acts in the synth-rock genre. If you haven’t fallen under their spell, now is the perfect time to do so because they don’t just perform; they engage, connect, and leave a lasting impact!

Listen to “Music Is My Drug” by Under Delusions on Spotify and let us know your thoughts.

You can follow Under Delusion here for more information.




PS: The artist was discovered on MusoSoup, and a contribution was made to publish this.
